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I am such a huge tea lover! I drink it daily, green tea in the morning/afternoon and more of an herbal infusion in the evening to help relax me before bedtime. Lately I have been on a big Matcha kick. I love it because it is so full of goodness and you only need a tiny bit to get all the wonderful benefits.


Matcha is a premium green tea powder from Japan. The actual tea leaves are ground into a fine powder and used for drinking tea or as an ingredient in food recipes. I like to put it into smoothies or make tea, either way I am getting all the amazing health benefits from it.

Here are some wonderful facts and health benefits you get from Matcha:

-137 more antioxidants than regular brewed tea (you ingest the whole leaf)

-mood enhancer

-natural weightless aid

-ph balancer, detoxifier

-great alternative to coffee

-boosts metabolism

-calms the mind and relaxes the body

-aids in concentration

-lowers cholesterol and blood pressure

-burns calories

-can be used in sauces, pastry, smoothies, lattes and more!

One glass of Matcha is equal to 10 glasses of brewed green tea!


Super rich in nutrients, antioxidants, fiber and chlorophyll. I got my latest jar of Matcha from a little tea shop in Raleigh NC called Tin Roof Teas they are very knowledgeable about teas and have a huge assortment to choose from. Go check them out!

Do you drink Matcha? How do you use it? I would love to hear some of your tips or how you like to use Matcha! Comment, Question below and let me know!

Talk soon..EL*


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