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How To Care For Your Skin In The Summer. 5 Tips

Our skin is subjected to way more heat and sun rays in the summer. We are outside more, laying at the beach and even just walking around in the heat makes us perspire and sweat. The heat makes our skin produce more oil which can result in more break outs, black heads and a larger build up of bacteria on the surface. As I always say, we need to be switching our skin care products according to the seasons and the fluctuations in our skin.
We want to also stay super hydrated by eating lots of fresh fruits that contain mostly water such as, watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew.

Here are 5 tips to keep you summer time fine!


#1. Keep Your Lips Soft And Moisturized 

Whether we’re out on a boat or laying at the beach, our lips are super sensitive and susceptible to burning. Keep them protected with sunscreen and/or a lip balm that contains an SPF of 15 or higher. Don’t forget to reapply when your outside. I absolutely love Carmex! I wear it all year long. It has camphor in it for healing chapped lips and keeps them super soft and smooth. Sold everywhere.

#2. Keep Your Refreshing Toners In The Fridge 

Rosewater toners are awesome for the skin, they are so refreshing and help to sooth redness and calm acne prone skin. My favorite Rosewater toner is LBA Balancing Mist comes in a spray bottle and can be spritzed any time your skin is feeling a little parched or just needs a little pick me up! Reapply all day. Available in the office or can be shipped to you directly.

#3. Wear Wide Brim Hats

Look super chic at the pool or beach with your fabulous hat and shades on. You will be blocking your face from harmful rays and keeping hyper-pigmentation and wrinkles at bay. I see so much sun damage in the office that could have been avoided with a little precaution. Take your health and skin care seriously and protect yourself, it could prolong all the procedures your going to have to have when the damage is already done.

#4. Scrub A Dub

Since skin is producing more sweat and oil in the summer, lots of dead skin cells can build up on the surface. Pores will look larger and skin can appear thicker and shiner. Exfoliation should be done on the body weekly. You can make scrubs right at home with just a few ingredients.
Here’s one you can whip together in minutes!

Beachy Glow

Makes 1 1/2 cups, enough for three treatments
• 1/2 cup fine-grain sea salt
• 1/2 cup finely ground coffee beans
• 1/4 cup grape seed oil
• 1/2 teaspoon (about 20 drops) eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil
In a small bowl, mix the salt, coffee, and grape seed and eucalyptus oils. Use the scrub in the shower, (before you turn the water on) massaging it into skin with long, firm, semicircular movements. Take your time in order to activate the ingredients. Rinse well.


#5 Deep Cleansing Facials

When our skin is producing a lot of oil, exfoliation and extraction of blackheads are necessary in order to keep the pored decongested and the surface smooth and free of dead skin build up. We should always be switching our skin care products to a bit more aggressive, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory cleansers and serums during the summer months and having a good check up with your esthetician is a great way to make sure your skin is on the right track and your products are working optimally.
You should be seeing a difference in your skin within days of using good products, so if your skin isn’t making any healthy improvements then you may need to adjust your regimen.

If you have any skin care questions or concerns, comment below and I will answer them for you here.


Talk soon!




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