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New Year, New Beginnings!

Happy New Year Dolls!

Wow 2015 just seemed to fly by, seems like just yesterday we were ringing in last year. So here we are at the very beginning of a brand new year… 2016! Do you make new years resolutions? I’ve never really been a fan of them. I don’t like to put too much pressure on myself like that. What if I don’t attain that goal? Or what if I jumped the gun and wasn’t ready to tackle that project just yet? I don’t even like to set myself up like that because if it doesn’t happen, I may get hard on myself and begin to beat myself let’s not go

Instead I like to just set small goals as I go along each year. If there is something that I need to do repeatedly, for work let’s say, I will put it on my calendar and set it for (daily, weekly, monthly) reminders. That way I don’t have to worry about it or stress that it’s not going to get done because I have the reminders pop up.

I truly believe in the power of positive energy. I believe that we can actually speak things into exestience with our own mouths. Words, Thoughts, and Actions all shape our lives. I stay in an attitude of gratitude from the moment I wake up in the morning until I fall asleep at night. All throughout my days I am thanking God/Universe/Spirit for my life, children, business, breath, friends, love, sun, rain, and anything that comes to my mind. When a negative thought comes to my mind, I immediately replace it with a positive one. Life is not easy for any one of us, so it’s important to remember the blessings that we do have so we can attract more good things in our life.

I love and appreciate all of you guys for supporting me and my business for over 8 years now. You all are an amazing blessing in my life. I love talking, hearing, sharing our stories. I have watched you guys get married, pregnant, and have babies. What a great life I have to be able to share in these joys with you all. I hope you know how much you are loved!

The only real ‘resolution’ I have for this year is to be better about staying in touch with you guys via the new ‘NOW’ page. We will be keeping you guys informed and up to date with what we have going on right NOW 🙂

I will also be sharing more personal stories, photos and such here so stay tuned!

Keep in contact with me here as well..comment, share something if it tickles your fancy!

Wishing you so much LOVE and LIGHT in 2016!


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