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As our skin begins to age, it looses it’s firmness and elasticity. The collagen and elastin begins to break down and the skin begins to wrinkle and sag. If this process goes on too long without good quality skin care, the only other options will be more invasive, surgical procedures.


Adopting and investing in a high quality skin care (home care) regimen, is the only way to hold back the hands of time and slow the aging process. We want to begin good home care practices day and night at home as soon as possible, in our 20’s, but if it’s never crossed your mind until now, then now is the right time!


After about age 35 the body functions begin to slow down, metabolism is not as quick as it used to be, we hold onto fat and can’t process sugar as well anymore. It’s important to remain active throughout our entire lifetime so the body can continue to filter and flush toxins and waste out of the body. When we are sedentary and don’t move our body, toxins and free radicals build up in the cells and cause major damage to the organs and skin.



Free Radicals are toxic byproducts of oxygen metabolism that can cause significant damage to living cells and tissues in a process called “oxidative stress.” The vitamins and minerals the body uses to counteract oxidative stress are called antioxidants. This is why we want to incorporate as many antioxidants into our diet (internal) and into our skin care (external) on a daily basis. This is how you keep a youthful, radiant glow for many years to come.


Common antioxidants found in skin care are:
Vitamin C
Retinol (Vitamin A)
Vitamin E
Coenzyme Q10


When we are using these ingredients in skin care, my favorite way to use them is through serums. It is the fastest, most effective way to het these antioxidants down deep into the living layers of the skin. The molecule is much smaller in a serum so it is able to penetrate much faster and deeper into the skin and generate amazing, visible results in a short period of time.


Some of my go to serums will always be Vitamin A (Retinol) and Vitamin C. I also make sure I take high amounts of Vitamin C orally every day. I take about 1,500mg – 2,000mg a day, even more if I am adding in the fruits I eat that are high in it. The body will only use what it needs with this vitamin (not all vitamins are like this, some are stored in the body and can cause a problem if you are taking too much, so do your research and speak with your doctor) so whatever it does not need, it will flush it out. I also make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.


My favorite Vitamin C serum to use topically is Spin Trap
Vitamin C used topically has a natural SPF factor, so you want to use it during the day, not at night. The SPF is very light, so you want to follow up and layer it with at least a 15SPF, such as DAY TREATMENT LOTION.



It’s excellent for reducing signs of aging or clearing up acne, including cystic and hormonal acne. Essential for even, smooth, youthful skin, vitamin A is often used in combination with other AHA brighteners for maximum results.


If you are just starting out with Retinols, you want to begin slow and gentle, working your way up in strength gradually. I always recommend my clients use Level 1 DERMA GEL , to start. This formula has:

Retinyl Propionate (Vitamin A): The most effective non-prescription retinoid available. Helps diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while protecting from further photo-aging and free radical damage.


Kojic Acid: Brightens and protects against sun damage.


Lactic Acid: Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) derived from fermented milk. Gentler than other AHAs. Exfoliates dead skin, encourages cell renewal, aids in regulating pH and acts as moisture binder.


Glycine: A naturally occurring amino acid and a basic building block of proteins.


Urea: Promotes rehydration in skin.


Niacinamide: A water-soluble form of Vitamin B with firming effect and anti-inflammatory properties.


The moisturizers in this level one Vitamin A serum help to protect skin that is new to retinols, allowing the skin to acclimate first. After your skin has become used to this product, we will boost the concentration, always challenging the skin to create collagen, brighten dull complexions and continue to exfoliate.


If you have any questions regarding AHA’s or Antioxidants, reach out to me.


Are you familiar with Vitamin A’s and other antioxidants? Which ones are some of your favorites?

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