Life can be such a crazy whirlwind sometimes, zooming around from here to there, not even stopping to catch our breath. In this day of technology, information comes at us in lightening speed, giving us the illusion that we need things to be instantaneous in order to be satisfied. By practicing mindfulness in our daily lives, we can get things done, feel satisfied and accomplished at the end of the day. One of my favorite writers Leo Babauta outlines what we should do when we have too much on our to-do lists. This is absolutely changing my life. We complicate far too much. I am not doing that anymore. Be easy my friend. Pack light… : When You Have Too Much to Do By Leo Babauta You have a to-do list that scrolls on for days. You are managing multiple projects, getting lots of email and messages on different messaging systems, managing finances and personal health habits and so much more. It all keeps piling up, and it can feel overwhelming. How do you keep up with it all? How do you find focus and peace and get stuff accomplished when you have too much on your plate? In this primer, I’ll look at some key strategies and tactics for taking on an overloaded life with an open heart, lots of energy, and a smile on your face. The First Step: Triage Whether you’re just starting your day, or you’re in the middle of the chaos and just need to find some sanity … the first step is to get into triage mode. Triage, as you probably know, is sorting through the chaos to prioritize: what needs to be done now, what needs to be done today, what needs to be done this week, and what can wait? You’re looking at urgency, but also what’s meaningful and important. Here’s what you might do:
OK, you have some breathing room and a manageable list now! Let’s shrink that down even further and just pick one thing.
When you’re done (or after 15-20 minutes have gone by at least), you can switch to something else. But don’t allow yourself to switch until then. |