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Facials For Teenagers

teen skin is super active!

Here’s How to handle it…

Teens should never have to suffer through their adolescence with acne and break outs. A lot of times we think they will just ‘grow out of it’ but sometimes they don’t and if left untreated they can be left with major scaring, pitting and hyper pigmentation. I suffered with acne as a teen and my children did as well, I am still treating my 14-year-old daughter regularly for her oily skin.
When teens first come to me for their skin issues it’s because they have been dealing with acne for a long time and they are at their wits end. Usually, the first thing we need to combat is a lot of blackhead extraction. at this time, hormones out of control and on top of that they don’t even wash their face regularly if at all.

Finding a great esthetician who can care for your teen’s skin can be a daunting process. I have listed 5 of my best tips to help you find one! DOWNLOAD MY FREE PDF NOW!

5 pro-Tips for finding the perfect esthetician

We discuss proper hygiene, diet and how to properly care for their skin at home. Most parents don’t know the importance of an esthetician for their teens skin, they will generally just take them to the dermatologist who will only prescribe medication both topically and internally. We have no idea what types of side effects these drugs have on the body or the mind of a growing child. A doctor is not going to give your skin the attention it needs in order to breathe and heal.

Acne is never an issue for me to treat. Just by having a conversation with people let’s me know why their skin is breaking out and helping them achieve clear skin is something that boosts their confidence in a crazy world that seems to be all about image.

We understand that this is the time where hormones are changing, there is an increase of hair growth and oil production in the skin is rising and worsening.

Top Cleansers in acne treatment

Vivant Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Exfoliating Cleanser

A reduction in blemishes, dark spots, discoloration and fine lines. Deeply cleanses and gently exfoliates without irritating skin. Leaves skin fresh, revitalized, vibrantly clean and glowing.

Vivant BP 3% Exfoliating Cleanser

A creamy and soothing, yet vigorously cleansing anti-bacterial wash for acne-prone skin. Flushes out impurities, peels away impactions, refines pores and minimizes scarring for an overall smoother, clearer, more confident appearance.

Vivant Totaloe Calming and Hydrating Gel

Hello, Aloe! The healing and calming properties of Aloe, plus additional restoratives and antioxidants make this generously-hydrating, oil-free moisturizer the perfect ally for irritated or inflamed skin in need of soothing replenishment and repair.

Vivant BP 10% Gel Medication

The ultimate acne treatment. Formulated with Vivant’s patented Benzoyl Peroxide stabilizing gel in a vanishing gel base which allows rapid penetration down the acne prone follicle killing acne-causing bacteria and preventing future breakouts.

We offer skin care and waxing solutions for teens and pre-teens at a discounted rate and time frame so they can feel and look their best! 

During all skin care treatments we will discuss topics such as diet, hygiene, and proper skin care to educate the client on how to begin to care for their skin and body.
Skin care is so important and we feel it is necessary to teach this importance as early as possible. Help keep your teens skin healthy, rejuvenated, smooth and confident!


The summer is coming to a close and we have had our share of sun burn. Now let’s look into rejuvenating our skin for the upcoming fall and winter months. Teens have so many more issues than adults when it comes to acne. Why not invest in prevention of acne all around?

Schedule a consultation with Puresthetics Skin Care and start the school year off right with clean pores and smooth skin.

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